
This doc provides information about how to contribute to the MiniCPS projects.

How to start

General design principles

MiniCPS follows an object-oriented design pattern. It is using python2.x for compatibility reasons with mininet. We are trying to lower the number of external dependencies, and eventually move to python3.x.

  • Design points:
    • separation of concerns (eg: public API vs private APi)
    • modularity (eg: different protocols and state backends)
    • testability (eg: unit tests and TDD)
    • performance (eg: real-time simulation)
  • Security points:
    • avoid unsafe programming languages
    • user input is untrusted and has to be validated (eg: prepared statements)
    • safe vs unsafe code separation
    • automated static analysis
  • Core components:
    • minicps module (should be in the PYTHONPATH)
    • examples use cases (can be anywhere in the filesystem)

Development sytle

MiniCPS is hosted on Github and encourages canonical submission of contributions it uses semantic versioning, nose for test-driven development and make as a launcher for various tasks.

Required code

Clone the minicps repository:

git clone

Add minicps to the python path, for example using a soft link:

ln -s ~/minicps/minicps /usr/lib/python2.7/minicps

Install the requirements using:

pip install -r ~/minicps/requirements-dev.txt

Run the tests with:

cd ~/minicps
make tests

Code conventions

The project it is based on PEP8 (code) and PEP257 (docstring).

  • Naming scheme:

    • Private data: prepend _ eg: _method_name or _attribute_name
    • Classes: ClassName or CLASSName, method_name and instance_name
    • Others: function_name, local_variable_name, GLOBAL_VARIABLE_NAME
    • Filenames: foldername,, and
    • Test: test_ClassName test_function_name
    • Makefile: target-name VARIABLE_NAME
    • Makers: TODO, FIXME, XXX, NOTE VIM MARKER {{{ ... }}}
    • Docs: doc.rst, another-doc.rst and SPHINX_DOC_NAME SOMETHING( for Sphinx’s literalinclude

Module docstring:

``modulename`` contains:

   - bla

First paragraph.


Last paragraph.

Function docstrings:

def my_func():


def my_func():

    :returns: wow


Class docstring to document (at least) public methods:

class MyClass(object):


    def __init__(self):



Compatibility with new (industrial) protocols depends on the availability of a good open-source library implementing that protocol (eg: pymodbus for Modbus protocols).

If you want to add a new protocol please look at the minicps/ module. Protocol is the base class, and the [NewProtocolName]Protocol(Protocol) should be your new child class (inheriting from the Protocol class) containing the code to manage the new protocol. A good point to start it to take a look at tests/ to see how other protocols classes are unit-tested.

If you want to improve the compatibility of a supported protocol please take a look at its implementation and unit-testing classes. For example, look at ModbusProtocol(Protocol) and TestModbusProtocol() if you want to improve the Modbus protocol support.


The same reasoning presented in the Protocols section applies here. The relevant source code is located in minicps/ and tests/


Unit testing is hard to setup properly! Please if you find any inconsistent unit test or decomposable unit test or you want to add a new one then send a PR.


Please feel free to send PRs about new use cases that are not already present in the examples directory.


All the docs are stored in the docs folder. We are using sphinx to render the docs and the rst markup language to write them. Some of the docs are automatically generated from the code and others are written by hands.

To build you documentation locally use one of the target of the Makefile present in the docs folder. For example, to build and navigate an html version of our docs type:

cd docs
make html
firefox _build/html/index.html

Please send a PR if you find any typo, incorrect explanation, etc.